This Post is dedicated to the Green work done by me along with the Law of Nature Group.... As a group we have been doing loads of activities such as below and wanted to show case them...
* Tree plantations ( 3350 Trees planted as of 2022 JUL)
* Plastic Picking from sensitive Ecological zones ( 800 kgs removed till 2021 Dec)
* Birdwatching for kids
* Seed ball preparation
* Nature and Animal welfare awareness programs
* Snare removal programs
* Water bowl donation programs for animals in summer ( 800 Donated till now)
Kindly encourage us to do the best for the future generation..
Our Future goals with proper support
* Saving waterbodies from extinction
* Organic conversion of Farm lands
* Rescuing cattle from Slaughterhouses
* Wildlife shelter for wild animals
30 trees planted around Jangamakote Village after a trek and Tree planting event
Thanks to Everyone who joined , we did a trek to Bheema Bakasura betta and post that planted 30 trees around.
150 trees planted and 50 trees gifted for World Environmental Day 2022, June 5th
Thanks to Everyone who joined and made this mega event a big success. Around 75 people joined and we arranged breakfast for everyone. 150 trees were planted and 50 trees handed over to the Govt school near by. Thanks to Tata catering for sponsoring trees and Ashok Murthy sir for Breakfast and other expenses.
Planted 10 trees in the Gauribidanur Lake
Thanks to Everyone who joined we did an awesome Trek to the hill near Gauribidanur andplanted 10 trees .
Planted 10 trees in the Jakkur Lake
Thanks to Everyone who joined we did an awesome jog to Jakkur lake bed and planted 10 trees .
Planted 20 trees in the Chikkajala Lake trek
Thanks to Everyone who joined we did an awesome trek to Akkayamma betta and planted 20 trees in the Chikkajala lake nearby
Planted 20 trees in the Siddelingeshwara trek for Kannada Rajyotsava
Thanks to Everyone who joined we did an awesome trek and planted 20 trees in the Siddelingeshwera betta near Machinabele on the occasion of Kannada Rajyotsava...
A big thanks to Madhukar bro, Thripzel who has been tremendously supportive for all the activities..
The Team who Joined for the Trek and Tree Plantation
Planted 30 trees in the Trek and Tree Plantation event
Thanks to Everyone who joined and special Thanks to Murthy Sir, We planned and trek and Tree plantation event to Kallukote and planted 30 trees in the temple complex and the trees will be maintained by the temple management
Participated in a 3000 trees planting event
We Joined with Lions club to plant 3000 trees ( 1800 on day 1 and 1200 on day 2) near the Thippagondanahalli resorvoir...
Trees planted on a Trek to Bisagni Betta
We did a trek to the Bisagni Betta and planted few trees as a happy goal. Thanks to Pilot sir Captain Siddhant for joining the Trek.
On the 75th Independence day we trekked to the Hemagiri betta and removed 5 bags ( 50 kgs) of Plastics including beer bottles and pan parak wrappers.. The place is much better now. Independence from Plastics is the biggest goal of the Group. Jai Hind
Plastic Cleanup drive to the Kallukote Betta
We did a trek to the Kallukote betta and cleaned up around 15 kgs of plastics from the temple at the peak
Few trees were planted for Compassion of Ram
This little kid saw some trees were cut near his home and was sad for few days and his father checked with me if we can plant some trees to make him happy. I took him to buy the trees and then on a fine evening we planted few trees so that he can understand he value of trees and nature..

Few trees were planted for Manan's Birthday
We did a hiking trail to Avalahalli and then planted few trees around the place.

Few trees were planted near Kunigal
We trekked to the Naramshima betta near Kunigal and planted few trees...
5000 seedballs made for a event by Kesari Foundation
We participated and made seedballs and total of 5k seedballs were made
7 trees planted for the World environment day 2021
I wish we planted 100 minimum but due to Lockdown only 7 was possible in Sahakaranagar Police outpost park
Seed planting session by Master Kavin
50 seeds were planted in Sahakaranagar walking path lawn..
Birdwatching and Nature study for Kids - 1/11/2020
We conducted a birdwatching and Nature study session to teach about the nature conservation, role of birds and insects in ecosystem. The kids also enjoyed a 5km trail of walking
Tree Plantation for No Yashwant's birthday
05 Trees are planted in Sahakaranagar Park
Tree Plantation for No Reason :)
05 Trees are planted in Gangamma betta area
Tree Plantation for Poomalai's Birthday
10 Trees are planted in Hulukadi betta area
Tree Plantation for Lithika's Birthday
10 Trees are planted in Hulikunte area
10 trees planted in Hulukunte state forest on behalf of Lithika Sri's birthday and Independence day....Happy birthday to her....They also sponsored a meal for the shelter animals of Save Animals India..
Tree Plantation for Manan's Birthday
10 Trees are planted in Nijagal area
Trees planted and dogs fed on behalf of Manan's Birthday and sponsored by Shunmathy Venkatapathy....Happy birthday Manan🥳🥳🥳🥳
Tree Plantation for Prasad's Birthday
10 Trees are planted in Bhairavadurga area..
Tree Plantation for Shalini Mam's Birthday
10 Trees are planted in Kaurava Kunda area..
Visiting Save Animals India shelter and donating funds and Food to the shelter animals
Inauguration of One Crore Tree Project
World Environment day 2020
150+ Trees are planted in Bangalore and Kodaikanal for the event.
March 15th - April 15th
Providing Food and Water to starving stray dogs in the Corona Lockdown Period ( for 20 + days to 40+ animals everyday)
March 15th - Plastic picking to Hulukadi betta Thanks to Prasanna and birthday boy Kavin we were able to remove 2 full bags of plastics from the biologically sensitive zone of Hulukadi range...That place has so many bird and reptile species and also lots of monkeys which surely deserve a plastic free zone....Special thanks to 6 yr kid Aditya who was so eagerly involved..
People who throw plastics on sensitive zones of nature as worser than Corono Virus to Mankind..
Jan 1st 2020
Not a big fan of New year and Celebrations but thought of having a meaningful day so we went for a nice drive, did a beautiful green misty trek, Visted a hill temple for blessings and also removed 30kgs of plastics from the Trail...Day 1 of New Year spent with nature and serving her...Loved the way the my son and his grandfather enjoyed the trek and helped in picking the plastics...
Dec 14th 2019,
Thanks to these beautiful people almost 50 kgs of plastics from the Deverabetta vulture sanctuary was removed and handed over to recycling units...The day was so pleasant with a trek to the hill and seeing the mighty vultures...Even the DFO of the zone was very happy to see we cleaning up their place...I sincerely request everyone to avoid littering plastics in sensitive zones as hills, mountains, forest zones etc and please also educate people to stop doing it also...
Sep 15th, 2019The law of Nature group planted 25 trees in the Vasantha Paradise Homestay of Banal area in Sakleshpur...
Sep 8th, 2019
The law of nature group planted 10 trees in the Medigeshi fort area....
Aug 26th, 2019
20 trees planted on behalf of Amazon mass fires. This was done in Swamimalai areas of Yelagiri...
Aug 14th, 2019
The law of nature group along with Shivand and team collected Relief materials and heading to Belgaum to the flood relief areas with the Volunteers.... 500 bread packets are especially carried for Cows and Dogs suffering without food...
Aug 12th, 2019
15 trees planted and 300 seed balls implanted in the Makalidurga area of Doddaballpur...
July 29th, 2019
10 trees planted in Koothatupatti village around Salem....
July 22nd, 2019
Wonderful that these beautiful hearts joined for the tree planting event and planted 26 trees and implanted almost 1000 seeds..Thanks Ramesh Kumar sir for the opportunity and special thanks to Prasad, Bhaskar,Velu and Shiva for coming all the way.... Thanks to DVG Benne Dosa - Electronic CIty Phase 2 for sponsoring the breakfast and Revathy, Velu and Shiva for saplings....The plantation drive gets a lovely completion with a lovely hike and trekking to the Balakondarayana hills which is needed a 3 hrs trek up and down....
July 27th, 2019
"The one who plants trees, plants hope" - 25 Trees have been planted in Akkayama Hills
Thanks a lot for everyone who helped us in planting trees...It was a beautiful breezy evening and happy birthday Vaishu....Amazing way to celebrate a birthday for a kid....
Feb 9th, 2019
Anti Snaring event with IASCF, Feb 9th
The Law of Nature group guys actively participated in the Anti Snare combing event organized by IASCF that happened in the Hunsur Forest Region..67 snares were removed, which is equal to saving precious 67 lives...

June 5th, 2019
World Environment Day special event to Agrahara lake, June 5th 2019
🐅🐅🐯🐯🦁🦁🐈🐈🐱🐱Happy World Environment day...🌴🌴🌲🌲☘️☘️🌱🌱
A big big big heartfelt thanks to all these wonderful people who came and made the event so so successful...40 Volunteers gathered and kept 107 trees in the Agrahara lake adjacent to Jakkur lake...The citizens group has promised to water them and take care of them....Thanks a ton everyone💐💐😇😇😇🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Law of nature is very excited for this event on World environment day....What's more beautiful and blessing is it rained so well there in the evening on the plantation day🥰🥰
Special thanks to Karthick S Mathan and Obuli Srinivasan who all the way came 35 KM's driving....🙏🙏
March 22nd, 2019
World Drinking Water day 2019, May 22nd Water Troughs Distribution by Law of Nature Group
" Without water there is no life"
Thanks to every angel who took the water tubs and installed in your homes, with your noble gesture you will quench many life's thirst...May God bless you all with amazing prosperity....Close to 100 tubs are distributed in Sahakaranagar, Vidyaranyapura, NTI layout etc...
May 1st Event to Hruthidurga
Thanks to all these wonderful people, we hiked to the Hruthidurga hills, planted few trees, handed over few saplings to the villagers, Almost 250 seed balls were properly planted on possible survival locations and also removed almost 25kgs of plastics...With overnight rains that place was so cool and breezy today..That environment is pretty clean now...Any service to mother nature is the need of the time....
May 25th event to Kaurava Kunda :
Thanks to these wonderful hearts, were were able to plant 20 trees and 1000 seeds of Honge...Thanks to everyone who joined and carried the plants all the way up to the hill..The birding was great also today with seeing a very rare night Jar.... Special thanks to Karthick S Mathan who came with 2 small kids...
World Environmental day 2016 :
On the eve of World environment day, total of 930 plus trees are successfully planted
Thanks a lot to my whole family who helped on this for the 30 tree.After that saw lot of like minded people who were planting trees around and joined them...One gentle man who is retired from BSNL took 20 people and planted 500 trees around and we helped him.. All these measures will at least delay Mother earth revenging on us for a little time. The Nagra CSR activity also planted totally of 400 trees with the help of Daina Immanuael...