Junior Kethanahalli Falls and Sabenahalli Lake with Kids

Junior Kethanahalli Falls is a beautiful little seasonal falls active during the monsoons ( Aug - Oct) in the Chikkaballapur district.. There is also the main Kethanahalli falls 500 mtrs away which is quite huge and sometimes little crowded but the junior one is unknown and hardly people are around.. We had amazing time there taking bath and also the kids had a gala time... The trail takes about 1 km from the Car park to the Junior falls and same trail connects to the main one as well.. The falls is situated in a beautiful forest surrounded by hills and avoid going here from Nov to July as it will be dry and hot...

After taking bath and spending cool time in the falls we also drove to the Sabenahalli lake which has 270* of mountains and some descent hiking path for a beautiful sunset view...

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  1. I really like your blog posts and use them as a main reference while planning any short trips near Blr.
    Reg this Kethanahalli Falls, did you go here in Nov (a week back) or did you go here earlier in the year and are posting the blog now?

    1. I went exactly a week back....On November 5th sometime...

  2. Wooh nice place. After a long journey in my nature of job now landed up in Bengaluru as my last leg of posting . But this COVID has put a brake to all my travel interest. Sure will keep following your blog and move on.

  3. Can you pls share details about the water falls..
    We did go to sabenahalli lake but didn't find any trekking g trails or waterfalls

  4. Can u pls share the location. Dint find the place

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